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ClickBook for Mac
Other products by Blue Squirrel
Version for Mac users. Print customized day planner pages, wallet booklets, church bulletins, brochures, greeting cards, posters, business cards, flipbooks, catalogs, banners, microfiche, CD covers and more. ClickBook helps you scale a
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Version for Mac users. Print customized day planner pages, wallet booklets, church bulletins, brochures, greeting cards, posters, business cards, flipbooks, catalogs, banners, microfiche, CD covers and more. ClickBook helps you scale and rotate digital photos, e-mails, documents, favorite on-line content, or other critical information into 170+ mobile and convenient layouts. You can even design your own custom layouts and save up to 75% in paper costs! You may also convert booklets to PDFs with a ClickBook integrated PDF generator. New features: Quick click printers to instantly print booklets, brochures and PDFs; Instantly e-mail PDF files to family and friends; Carbonless printing allows you to print triplicate forms for invoices or purchase orders; You can use the hand fed tray instead of the printing drawer with ClickBook.
Note: This software is delivered by download, which leaves a much smaller ecological footprint compared to producing and shipping a CD/DVD and its associated packaging through traditional retail distribution channels. Your license key will be delivered by e-mail. Optionally, you can back up the downloaded software to a CD, USB drive, or other removable media.